Bug Bounty

We appreciate the efforts of independent testers who help make our product better and safer.

If you've discovered a bug, malfunction, or vulnerability, please fill out the form below. We will review and fix the problem, and you will receive a monetary reward*.

*Remember, in order to receive the reward — your report should not be publicly available. Please refrain from uploading reports to clouds or third-party resources, even for storage. Be sure to read our Terms and Conditions.

Report a bug


Where have you discovered an issue?


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Describe the bug reproduction steps

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How does it affect the product?

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How can we fix it?

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Add attachments

Drag and drop or upload any additional files (photos, screenshots, videos, etc.) that can help us find and fix the bug

What is your name?

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What is your email?

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I have read and agree to the Bug Bounty Terms and Conditions.

Send bug report